I woke up a couple of mornings ago and thought "Is this going to be the day?" The fog was drifting over Mt Luxmoor and the lake with a few glimpses of blue hovering down the south fiord and half way up the Murchisons....by the afternoon it just may happen.......and it did.......the photos give it away but my bright yellow daffodils have opened. The jonquils have been around for over a month now but this is really exciting.
There are a few exciting things going on in Te Anau at the moment.
1. Our new medical centre is built and now fast on track for its opening next month.
2. The 2010 StabiCraft Yamaha Te Anau Manapouri Fishing Classic committee is busy working hard on this year's event at Labour Weekend...so anyone thinking of coming, book now, it looks to be an even bigger event than last year with some amazing prizes including...a StabiCraft boat! http://www.teanauevents.co.nz/ for further information.
3. Anchorage Motel has been nominated for this year's NZ Tourism Awards - congrats to them for being nominated - this is HUGE!
4. The Te Anau harness racing will be held this year on Saturday 15 January so keep this date in mind also....further info at http://www.teanauevents.co.nz/
This is only a token of what is happening in Te Anau. Check out my About Te Anau facebook page for a list of events or go to the Fiordland Advocate http://www.fiordlandadvocate.co.nz/