Sunday, June 5, 2011

Queens Birthday Weekend

What a fabulous weekend it was, a bit of rain on Saturday but brilliant sunshine and warmth on Sunday and Monday! Unfortunately I was stuck in bed with a bout of the bot and did not venture out for 3 whole can only tell what has happened from others.
The bestest biggest news of the weekend is that our very own Irene Barnes from Manapouri received a Queens Service Medal, what a well deserved honour this is for Irene. She has worked tirelessly in the Manapouri and Te Anau community for nearly 50 years!!
Several events happened this weekend to tantalise the locals and visitors with the first being our annual Friends of the Library book sale, this gets bigger and better every year.
An ACDC tribute band played at the club and from what I hear, once they eventually got on stage, they were brilliant.
And last but definitely not least was the Te Anau School Polar Plunge. This was the Year 6's big chance to make big bucks for their camp at the end of the year but this didn't come easily with all students (and teachers ..............AND PRINCIPALS!) jumping in the lake. To be fair, the day was warm and the water was at least 1 degree warmer than normal so it did bring out a few extras that wouldn't have normally taken the plunge! One notable resident - Mr Willett strapped a hot water bottle to his best bits in the hope that he would be a little warmer than everyone else - I don't THINK so RAY!! Jealous I wasn't there to join in the fun - NOT!!
We are waiting for winter to happen but so far so good, my rhubarb has decided to sprout again and still have strawberries ripening in the garden - who knows, it may not happen!